Начало / Plan Your Visit / People with disabilities

Plan Your Visit:

Accessibility / People with disabilities

Access to the Muzeiko Children's Science Centre is free for persons for whom the medical examination authorities have established a degree of reduced working capacity or have determined the type and degree of disability to be 50 per cent or more.

Useful information for people with mobility challenges or for wheelchair users:

• Admission to Muzeiko is free for people with mobility challenges and their assistants.
• If you do not come with an assistant, but would like one for your visit to Muzeiko, please contact us at least 24 hours prior to your visit.
• Wheelchair access is available to the planetarium, all exhibits, workshops and demonstrations.
• There are specialized parking spaces and restroom facilities for guests with disabilities.

Useful information for the hearing impaired:

• Admission to the museum is free for the hearing impaired.
• If you would like a guide on your visit to Muzeiko, please contact us at least 24 hours prior to your visit.

Useful information for the visually impaired:

• Admission to the museum is free for the visually impaired and their assistants.
• If you do not come with an assistant, but would like one for your visit to Muzeiko, please contact us at least 24 hours prior to your visit.
• Service animals are welcome.
• There are informational signs in Braille.

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